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Adolescent Scoliosis 101

Chiropractic Care and Adolescent Scoliosis in Knoxville, Tennessee  

John Hopkins Medicine states that scoliosis is actually a common condition that's found in adolescents. Approximately three million new cases of scoliosis are diagnosed in the United States every year. A majority of these cases are idiopathic scoliosis, which is a form that arises in children between the ages of 10 and 12. Fortunately, for the adolescents who suffer from it, a chiropractor in Knoxville, Tennessee can assist. 

adolescent scoliosis in Knoxville, Tennessee

Overview of Scoliosis 

Scoliosis is a term that describes a sideways curvature of the spine. Usually, it develops right before puberty. Generally, the curvature is mild, though. Some children, however, do develop a spinal deformity that tends to worsen as they mature. In the more severe cases, people become disabled. 

Symptoms of Scoliosis 

It's possible as the condition worsens for pain to arise. Adolescents who have scoliosis may have uneven shoulders. They may have one shoulder blade that looks more prominent than the other one. Their waist may be uneven. In some cases, one hip is higher than the other. If the condition worsens, the spine begins to twist or rotate in addition to the side-to-side curvature. 

What A Chiropractor Can Do

A chiropractor has the potential to diagnosis scoliosis, even early on through gathering a comprehensive medical history on the child. Additionally, the chiropractor will complete an in-depth physical examination and may even conduct x-rays to detect mild curvatures. The chiropractic expert will monitor the patient's condition carefully. 

Adolescent Scoliosis Treatment 

The condition can be caused by cerebral palsy, birth defects, infection and muscular dystrophy. However, scoliosis doesn't always have a known cause, nor are there any ways to prevent it. A specialist with scoliosis treatment such as Dr. John Edwards of Cornerstone Chiropractic in Knoxville, Tennessee can assist. Through regular adjustments, a chiropractor can reduce pain. Specialized exercises and electric muscle stimulation can help. In cases where the curvature is more severe, the chiropractor may prescribe a brace. 

Call Cornerstone Chiropractic in Knoxville Today!

To get your child tested for scoliosis or to begin chiropractic treatment for the condition, contact Dr. John Edwards of Cornerstone Chiropractic in Knoxville, Tennessee at 865-247-0458. We look forward to meeting with you!